The most current United Nations reports indicate a huge population growth in the continent of Africa.
50% of all persons born in the world between now and 2050 will be Africans.
On an average, every woman in Africa has 5 children.
45% of the population in Africa is under the age of 18.
Around 90% of all believers get saved before the age of 18.
I invite you to partner with me to reach this great harvest.
Would you consider becoming a monthly supporter to reach
the Children of Africa? A one-time gift is also appreciated.
No gift is too small.
Please make checks out to:
"African Children's Mission" and mail to: P.O. Box 491536 Redding, CA 96049
You can also click on "Donate Now" button below to give through Paypal.
All giving through African Children's Mission is tax-deductible.
Only in eternity will we know the fruit of every seed sown!
Your support and contributions will enable me and my team to reach many more children for Christ!